Doug works primarily with fascia, muscles, joints and the nervous system to release tension patterns, reduce pain, heal physical trauma and encourage healthy alignment. He loves helping people find relief, and believes understanding anatomy is crucial to making lasting change.

Massage therapy is useful for treating a broad range of common symptoms, and clear communication about the goals of treatment is a great place to start. Doug is the type of therapist who loves a good chat, and is equally happy to work in silence.

Doug has a background in embodied movement practices such as acting, dance and yoga. He enjoys hiking, biking, jogging, swimming and canoeing, as well as casual team sports.

Currently practicing at Alcove Massage Therapy in Victoria BC.


30 min - $78.75
45 min - $110.25
60 min - $132.00
75 min - $157.50
90 min - $183.75

GST included.

Direct billing provided for most third-party insurance.

Alcove Massage Therapy

201 - 239 Menzies Street, Victoria BC
